Thursday, April 16, 2009

1 mile = pain

My plan was to run 4 miles yesterday.

When it came down to it -- I ended up running only one and my knee was aching the whole time. I was meeting my friend Ang for dinner so I decided to run out near her place in a forest preserve. I parked my car, wrapped my knee, and headed out. Along the way I saw at least 7 cars with middle-aged men (who were alone) just sitting in their cars. It was a bit creepy. I also saw a deer, which was much less creepy. Ahh -- the beauty of running in a forest preserve and not east on 18th among the trash and broken asphalt.

Looking ahead: I am going to swim tomorrow for a low impact workout and I am considering not running the 6 miles this weekend, which would be incredibly disappointing, but might be worth it in the end.

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